Warp Desktop?

I am NOT savvy when it comes to these subjects. I however have installed the Warp app on a phone and am very pleased.

I read an article that implied a desktop (Mac/Windows) version of the Warp app could be available in the future. Does anyone know much about this? It seems like it would be nice to have the “VPN” function of the mobile app working automatically on the desktop.


Coming soon :slight_smile: A great desktop alternative until it’s available would be Simple DNSCrypt & Firefox

https://www.simplednscrypt.org/ & Firefox - Protect your life online with privacy-first products — Mozilla and then run this test


Is the desktop app planned for Mac OS as well?

I’ve never used it but there are a few DNSCrypt options for macOS DNSCrypt - Download clients and servers for DoH and DNSCrypt

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I really hope Cloudflare warp+ also include features like from GoodByeDPI. Because on some ISP I use, simplednscrypt alone isn’t enough.

I’m ready to switch to Warp as soon as the desktop client is released.

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When is soon?

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Some time between now and when it gets released? :wink: The mobile functionality was delayed quite some time (speaking from experience, for very good reasons), but I haven’t seen any hints at a desktop implementation in any public venue, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

The biggest hint is the reply above (from “Withheld”) in this thread… I’ll keep on hoping for sure.

any update regarding desktop version?

There are mentions to it (I presume they would be the same product) in the Cloudflare for Teams announcement under the Gateway features grid.


Is there any info about cost?

All that is known is that blog post, I have no additional information.

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I would like to volunteer for an alpha or beta test.

Is there any further info on this? I’d also be very happy to volunteer to beta test a Windows or MacOS Warp client.

Not that I know of, there should be work going on as the the teams.cloudflare.com product seems to hint at something like that. No ETA that I know.

Warp for desktop is definitely coming in Q2.
Source: https://twitter.com/dok2001/status/1237582980748468224

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I set up and into DNS on Windows, but some web-pages still cannot be reached, I’m from Vietnam


So… Nightly firefox is borke?