Before moving to Cloudflare, was your Website working over HTTPS connection?
You could determine this by:
Use the “Pause Cloudflare on Site” option from the Overview tab for your domain at .
The link is in the lower right corner of that page.
Give it five minutes to take effect, then make sure site is working as expected with HTTPS without any error
Check with your hosting provider / cPanel AutoSSL and renew it
Only then, when your website responds over HTTPS, you should un-pause Cloudflare and double-check your SSL/TLS setting to make sure it’s Full (Strict).
May I ask if and what steps for troubleshooting 525 error have you tried from the below post already?
I’m not having any troubles accessing the site. My monitoring via uptime robot is showing the site as up for last 48 hours. Certificate (SSL) valid from July 28 to Oct 26. This site has been on cloudflare for 10 months, it’s never been NOT on cloudflare.
At this time, your server is only available on Port 8443. It is not responding on Ports 80 or 443.
Please check your origin configuration to be sure it is available on the ports you wish to use. If 8443 is your only choice, you may use an Origin Rule to route all requests to Port 8443:
Thanks for the help. I’ve implemented the origin rule as suggested and deployed it. Still getting the same failures. 525: SSL handshake failed intermittently.
This cloudflare implementation has been reliable for at least six months until the middle of August and then started failing with the 525 error at random.
It’s a single tomcat embedded server running only on port 8443. I can duplicate the 525 errors either in the application front end or postman, it will reliably work 3 or 4 times, then fails once, then back to working reliably 3 or so times. I can’t identify any pattern.