HTTPS certificate not trusted

If you receive this error, it means you are not being protected by Cloudflare.

Cloudflare’s SSL only works when your website’s traffic goes through Cloudflare. The “Cloudflare Origin Certificate” is a certificate that is only trusted by Cloudflare, not by browsers.

To fix this:

  1. Go to the DNS tab in the Cloudflare dashboard
  2. Find either the “A” or “CNAME” record for the subdomain you have this issue on
    (if this issue occurs without a subdomain, find the A/CNAME DNS record where the “name” is your website, eg.
  3. Make sure that DNS entry has a cloud icon on the right is an orange cloud :orange:. Cloudflare’s SSL DOES NOT WORK if the cloud is grey :grey:. If the cloud icon is grey, click it to turn it orange.

Your website should now be going through Cloudflare and Cloudflare should be presenting a valid SSL certificate.

With this, you may get either a too_many_redirects error or another SSL error. To fix this, make sure your “SSL mode” in the SSL/TLS app is Full (strict). This is required when you install the “Cloudflare origin certificate” or another SSL certificate on your server. If this doesn’t fix it, see Community Tip - Fixing ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS.