If you receive this error, it means you are not being protected by Cloudflare.
Cloudflare’s SSL only works when your website’s traffic goes through Cloudflare. The “Cloudflare Origin Certificate” is a certificate that is only trusted by Cloudflare, not by browsers.
To fix this:
- Go to the DNS tab in the Cloudflare dashboard
- Find either the “A” or “CNAME” record for the subdomain you have this issue on
(if this issue occurs without a subdomain, find the A/CNAME DNS record where the “name” is your website, eg.example.com
) - Make sure that DNS entry has a cloud icon on the right is an orange cloud
. Cloudflare’s SSL DOES NOT WORK if the cloud is grey
. If the cloud icon is grey, click it to turn it orange.
Your website should now be going through Cloudflare and Cloudflare should be presenting a valid SSL certificate.
With this, you may get either a too_many_redirects
error or another SSL error. To fix this, make sure your “SSL mode” in the SSL/TLS app is Full (strict). This is required when you install the “Cloudflare origin certificate” or another SSL certificate on your server. If this doesn’t fix it, see Community Tip - Fixing ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS.