Zombie admin role: No invites possible, one member, do not have member mgt rights

What is the issue you’re encountering

I want to invite members to an account, but I do not have member management permissions, even though I have admin role, this is the only associated with previously created account.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

No clue

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Create Cloudflare Account
  2. Invite another member and give that user admin role
  3. Remove the original member from using new admin role

Now you cannot invite anyone, this seems like a serious privilege issue to me, they should have restricted me from removing the member with highest privileges.

Screenshot of the error

The “original member” is a Super Administrator, and not an Administrator. And you cannot remove the “original member” when there’s no other member with the Super Administrator role – so the scenario you described shouldn’t be possible.

And only users with the Super Administrator role can manage membership. Administrators cannot. And your screenshot shows only one user who has the Administrator role, that’s why you cannot add users from this account. See: Account roles

But I’ve no clue why the Super Administrator user isn’t showing. Perhaps something is broken after all, and you’ll need to open a support ticket for staff to look into this. The community cannot help with account-related issues.

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You can see it on the screenshot, indeed it is possible to remove super admin leaving only the admin.

Open an “Account” support ticket. https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support

The community cannot resolve account-related issues for you.

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Thanks, I already did

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