I’m using cloudflare mx records for email routing. But I want to use zoho & for that I have to add zoho mx records on my dns. But zoho mx records and cloudlfare’s already existing mx records will conflict eachother. kindly let me know what can I do in this situation? and If I route new mail address to a zoho address using cloudflare routing so what will be the sending receiving process?
You cannot use Cloudflare Email Routing and domain email from another provider. You must pick only one and it should be the domain email. Delete the Cloudflare Email Routing and configure Zoho according to their directions.
Can I use my email on thunderbird along side cloudflare routing? like the email addresses that are already working via cloudflare routing stays same and a new email created will be setup on thunderbird?
You can only pick one. Either you use the bare bones inbound-only email forwarding provided by Cloudflare Email Routing or you use a complete domain email solution like the one provided by Zoho that will allow you to both send and receive email.
If you need to send email, you should delete Cloudflare Email Routing and use the Zoho email.