ZeroTrust Egress ipv6 Range

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What is the issue you’re encountering

ZeroTrust Proxy Egress ipv6 IP I’m getting is not in the ipv6 list publicly available

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Connect ZeroTrust WARP Agent and try to reach the URL’s I’ve configured to use Cloudflare’s proxy and Egress ipv6 to reach as split tunnel.

The published list of Cloudflare IP addresses are used by Cloudflare services that need to be allowed to access user origin servers. WARP IP addresses are not included on this list as otherwise you could bypass the proxy and get to origins directly.

Cloudflare doesn’t give any other IP addresses lists for specific services. In the case of WARP, these IP addresses could be used by anyone so they should never be trusted anyway.

What about Cloudflare’s mention of sharing Cloudflare IP range in their documentation here Egress policies | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

I’m not sure what you are asking. The egress IP addresses belong to Cloudflare, but they are not in the list on IP ranges page for the reason I gave.