About a week ago, I couldn’t use Zero Trust in China, Mac/iOS/neither, can any brother tell me what’s going on?
Hi @libirong
Are you still seeing issues with Zero Trust?
What error did you see when you couldn’t use Zero Trust?
Based on your post, it is super difficult to do any troubleshooting. You need to be much more specific, if you want help from the community.
Thank you for your reply. I can provide the screenshot information when I can’t connect.
louise2 via Cloudflare Community <[email protected]>于2024年4月30日 周二17:52写道:
Thank you for your reply. I can provide the screenshot information when I can’t connect.
louise2 via Cloudflare Community <[email protected]>于2024年4月30日 周二17:52写道:
Thank you for your reply. I can provide the screenshot information when I can’t connect.
louise2 via Cloudflare Community <[email protected]>于2024年4月30日 周二17:52写道:
就在两天前,PC上面仍然可以正常使用。直到我换了一台电脑设备做服务器后,开始无限止的“Error 1000 DNS points to prohibited IP”。
Zero Trust和本机是连通的,但就是无法使用。
naojing2008 via Cloudflare Community <[email protected]>于2024年6月11日 周二14:23写道:
哦那不清楚,我是网站应用,用的Zero Trust