Zero Trust Access Azure AD Authentication Session Never Expire

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What is the issue you’re encountering

I have already configured the global session timeout & application session timeout to 30 mins. When the application session is timeout, the application session will be renewed 30 mins automatically. Suppose both global session & application session expire the same time. I also try to click the “Logout” in App Launcher but no effect. i didn’t encounter this issue when only use One-time PIN authentication method.

Hi from the Access team! This is likely because you still have an active AzureAD/Entra token on your browser. So when you go to re-authenticate, AzureAD will automatically authenticate you and send back to Access which re-issues a new JWT.

If you’d like to force re-auth every time with AzureAD, you can pass the “prompt” parameter which will force an authentication every time with AzureAD:
Azure AD� | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs