Zaraz same trigger bug between platforms

For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

Bad Request: validation error

What is the error message?

Bad Request: validation error: invalid or missing ‘actions[OgFq].blockingTriggers: clashing blocking and firing trigger ‘Form Submit’’ value in tool Twitter Pixel

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Zaraz won’t allow me to delete the wrong trigger with the given error message when I try to save.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I’m mistakenly using the same trigger to “Firing” and “Blocking” purposes.

And I’m using the same trigger for Twitter Pixel and LinkedIn Insights tracking code.

When I try to remove the “Blocking” trigger and Save from the Twitter Pixel integration => It pops-up the error message about the LinkedIn Insights integration:

Bad Request: validation error: invalid or missing ‘actions[OgFq].blockingTriggers: clashing blocking and firing trigger ‘Form Submit’’ value in tool LinkedIn Insights.

When I try to do the reverse, I receive the opposite error message:

Bad Request: validation error: invalid or missing ‘actions[OgFq].blockingTriggers: clashing blocking and firing trigger ‘Form Submit’’ value in tool Twitter Pixel

I think that’s a system bug which I accidentally discovered.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Create the same Trigger and assign it as both Firing and Blocking Trigger for 2 different integrations.

Then try to delete the Blocking Trigger and save the action.

Screenshot of the error

Sharing Step 1 of the issue

This should be fixed now, can you try again?

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Yes indeed, thank you very much.