Zaraz ecommerce to GA4

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Zaraz ecommerce to GA4 not working but track events work and pageview events.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have enabled ecommerce on Zaraz settings and on the GA4 3rdparty tool as document.

Is there a debug view for ecommerce events like zaraz.debug(“xxxxxxxxx”) in console?

zaraz.debug(“xxxxxxxxx”) should work for e-commerce events too.

I thought that as well but I can’t seem to find where they get logged in the zaraz debug view.

I do not see :
zaraz.ecommerce( ‘Cart Viewed’, {}) in GA4
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Checkout Step Viewed’, { step: 1 }); // Begin Checkout
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Checkout Step Viewed’, { step: 2 }); // Shipping step
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Checkout Step Viewed’, { step: 3 }); // Add payment
zaraz.ecommerce(‘Checkout Step Viewed’, { step: 4 }); // Purchase

maybe I’m not providing the right information to these above events?

I do see zaraz.ecommerce(‘Order Completed’, in GA4

Okay, for some reason they are now showing in the zara.debug(“xxxxxxx”) view. So maybe tomorrow I’ll see them in GA4.

Although these events are recorded in zaraz.debug, they are not reflected in GA4.

Does anyone know why this might be the case.

The actual order completed event is working fine.

Same issue here, and wanted to post the same question.
I cannot see them in the debug screen, nor do they show up in Google Analytics (GA4). Only thing tracked right now is Page Views, but all of the ecommerce data is missing.

Already looked at zaraz.ecommerce and but it seems that zara.ecommerce is not being triggered despite being activated both on the domain and on the specific tool.

@orders20 - Not all tools support all e-commerce events. See the GA4 Managed Component source code to check what events are supported: google-analytics-4/src/ecommerce.ts at main · managed-components/google-analytics-4 · GitHub if you think this is a mistake, you’re welcome to submit a pull request.

Hello @yoav_zaraz, I cannot speak for order20, but when I tested it last Friday NO events whatsoever were transmitted. The only thing was pageview, and nothing else was showing up. I initially noticed this because my GA4 back-end all of a sudden lost tons of data that was there before.

Looking further into this I tried following the Cloudflare manuals, but no matter what the debug screen shows no actions whatsoever. It simply does not seem to extract/communicate the data.

Also, I am aware not ALL data might be available as standard, but ‘add to cart’, ‘purchase’ and ’ click product’ are part of the standard set that is not showing up anywhere.

please don’t hijack topics. your issue is clearly unrelated (OP: “these events are recorded in zaraz.debug” - you: “cannot see them in the debug screen”, OP: “track events work” - you: “Only thing tracked right now is Page Views”). if you have a problem open a thread. jumping on others people threads make it harder to follow and mixes up different issues. if you do open a thread, please provide the URL to your website.

Yes, this is exactly what I need to know why the events I choose to use do not work with GA4.

The documentation for zaraz ecommerce should really properly document which events map to switch events in 3rdparty tools.

Thank you for this github link. I’ll switch the zaraz ecommerce events to the one’s mapped to GA4.

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