Zaraz Consent Management : Documentation and examples

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Difficulty in understanding and implementing consent with Zaraz

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As of the time of writing, the documentation on Zaraz and consent management is not up to date. Several parameters are not documented.

Many posts on the forum refer to old issues, making it difficult to get a clear understanding of the feature and how to implement it.

Additionally, many users utilize Google Analytics (natively supported by Zaraz) but also Google AdSense. As of today, there is no native management of Google AdSense in Zaraz (and I’m not sure if it’s the right solution).

The documentation is unclear about how consent signals are managed; it suggests that everything is automatic. It seems to me that this is not the case, especially for advertising solutions like AdSense.

An example, even a brief one, on how to set up consent mode in a typical environment like WordPress, Google Analytics, and AdSense would be extremely helpful for many users.

A clarification on consent signal management would be extremely helpful, especially the handling of events regarding consent signals to notify the advertising platform that the consent state has changed (and whether or not it is necessary).

Finally, in Zaraz’s latest changelog from 2024-08-23, it is stated that ‘Automatic Actions: Automatic Event Tracking is now fully available.’ However, there are no details provided, which makes it difficult to understand.

If anyone is able to provide some insights, it would be greatly appreciated. Any feedback is welcome, especially regarding the use of AdSense with Zaraz and proper consent management.

What is your exact question?

Hello and thank you for your response.

More simply, is it currently possible to use Zaraz consent management with Google AdSense?

And if so, do you have any suggestions? Do we need to handle the propagation of consent signals from Zaraz to AdSense?

Or is everything automatic? That is, would AdSense automatically detect changes in the consent signals (which seems surprising to me).

Thank you for your help, this is a difficult topic to understand.

I think you’re mixing two different things. There’s the Zaraz Consent Manager - which has zero to do with Google Consent signals, and there’s support for Google Consent Signals. The two aren’t linked in any way.

If you load Google AdSense using Custom HTML in Zaraz, you can use the Zaraz Consent Manager to control when it loads, and blocks it if no consent was granted.

The Zaraz support for Google Consent Signals has no support for Google AdSense.

Thank you for your response, that clears up the doubt.

If I understand correctly, with Zaraz, the integration of Google Analytics is native, and thus the consent information is properly passed to Google Analytics (without any specific settings or events).

However, for AdSense, given the lack of native support from Zaraz, it is necessary to use “Custom HTML” to manage AdSense scripts. It is also necessary to manually handle AdSense based on consent data.

One last question: is there any plan from the Zaraz/Cloudflare team to natively integrate Google AdSense in the future? This would address a strong demand (all WordPress sites with Google Analytics and AdSense, which are very numerous).