I have a GitHub repo at GitHub - snsakib/snsakib.com: My portfolio website
I have also registered a custom domain named “snsakib. com”**
I have configured my GitHub page with my custom domain using Cloudflare DNS manager.
It works for the following URL “https:// snsakib. com”**
But the problem arises when I add a CNAME record for “www” subdomain.
When I visit the link “https://www.snsakib.com” I get the following error
on Firefox: “Having trouble finding that site”
Error on Chrome “That site cannot be reached”
This is my DNS records:
I’ve already tried the following steps but found no solution:
- Clearing the browser cached data
- Removing and re-adding the custom domain name in my Github repo
What’s the solution?
** Spaces in the links are intentional because Cloudflare isn’t allowing me to include more than 2 links