I’m in Italy and my ISP is Wind / Infostrada (WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.), autonomous system AS1267. My current public IP is
If I lookup the FQDN “whatismyip.akamai.com” with I receive these IPs:
Well, it seems that (Google DNS) is doing “a better lookup” due to geolocalization of the IP of origin (my Public IP) and so will answer always with the “best” IP in term of latency because 151.x.x.x is the same network of Wind / Infostrada (WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.), autonomous system AS1267.
In fact I can ping or with only 5ms, instead when I ping or the latency is about 16ms (and in my case it is routed externally via telia.net).
Please, can you “improve” for the DNS lookup for “whatismyip.akamai.com” so it will answer with “the best” IPs such as and for customers of Wind / Infostrada (WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.), autonomous system AS126?
Since doesn’t send your IP to the upstream resolvers (does not send ECDS Client Subnet) Akamai can’t send you yours and doesn’t know exactly where you are located. does not do this, so it will be more accurate in Akamai’s case.
Hi Matteo and thanks for your answer.
Well, since Cloudflare’s DNS does not send ECDS Client Subnet to upstream resolvers, this means that any FQDN that is part of CDNs (Akamai and others) are not resolved with the “nearest” IP?
And this is not the opposite concept of how Cloudflare works/want to works?
Any chance to implement in Cloudflare’s DNS the possibility to send ECDS Client Subnet to upstream resolvers in order to obtain always the “nearest” IP?
Usually CDNs operate on anycast networks. Those don’t really care about the location of the user since the ISPs handle that. This is also to improve user’s privacy.
So, in others word, anycast CDNs operates by route the destination IP to nearest location (routing made by ISP) instead the Akamai CDN works giving the nearest location based on IP resolved by DNS?
Basically yes. Anycast has the same IP everywhere, ISPs decide to route traffic where they want (usually closest location, sometimes no). Akamai replies via DNS with a different IP each time…