Jan 11, 18:07 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jan 11, 17:59 UTC
Monitoring - New installs are working again. We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.
Jan 11, 17:43 UTC
Update - To workaround the issue, affected users can pin the 'readdirp' transitive dependency to a version earlier than 4.1 via npm/pnpm overrides, and additionally in Worker projects created by Wrangler.
Jan 11, 17:36 UTC
Identified - Cloudflare is aware of and investigating an issue with new Wrangler installs failing, because of a change in a dependency. An update with the fix is being made.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/incidents/flcv5ff4xbx8