Workers event.waitUntil not working on

Hi there,

when I’m calling event.waitUntil in a worker which is deployed to the domain the promise only runs if the worker is called from the workers launchpad. When I call the url from my browser I receive the response but the promise (e.x. an analytics event) is not executed.
When this worker is deployed to a zone domain e.x. the waitUntil works. That’s quite a problem as sadly worker to worker communication doesn’t work in the same zone and I’d like to setup a net of worker microservices. Is this a bug or a limitation not known?

Thank you


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Hi @braunreu, are you still encountering this issue?

Hi @cloonan,

yes the issue is still here - do you have a clue how comes?



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I’m having a similar issue. event.waitUntil never triggers my analytics fetch request (nor from the launchpad, nor normal http request).
However performing the fetch request and returning my response after waiting for the promise does trigger it.