Workers AI Speech Recognition request limits

Hi there. We are happy with all the Cloudflare services that we used.

Recently, we started with Workers AI Speech Recognition (Whisper) API enpoint and observerd the following:

  • MP3 file // 128kbps // 2-channels // 00:00:45 (45 seg) lenght // 705kb size: HTTP request ok (word_count: 95).
  • MP3 file // 128kbps // 2-channels // 00:04:28 (4 mins 28 seg) lenght // 4200 kb size: HTTP error

{"errors":[{"message":"AiError: AiError: Invalid or incomplete input for the model: failed to decode JSON: Request is too large","code":3010}],"success":false,"result":{},"messages":[]}

We are wondered to know what are the limit request to this API endpoint?

Thanks in advanced. Best regards.

So stoked you’ve had a good experience with Cloudflare so far!

Right now, we’re constantly updating (and improving!) some of our limits. Since they’re changing frequently they are not something we publish. In the coming months, as these limits become more consistent we’ll start sharing them in our docs.

Hi @rrobinett , thanks for the feedback. We appreciate this.

We will visit the documentation regularly for further updates.


Hello, @rrobinett , what’s the longest time so far? Right now Cloudflare Worker can’t use the OpenAI Whisper API, so we’re looking for other solutions. I look forward to hearing from you, thank you.