Hi there. We are happy with all the Cloudflare services that we used.
Recently, we started with Workers AI Speech Recognition (Whisper) API enpoint and observerd the following:
- MP3 file // 128kbps // 2-channels // 00:00:45 (45 seg) lenght // 705kb size: HTTP request ok (word_count: 95).
- MP3 file // 128kbps // 2-channels // 00:04:28 (4 mins 28 seg) lenght // 4200 kb size: HTTP error
{"errors":[{"message":"AiError: AiError: Invalid or incomplete input for the model: failed to decode JSON: Request is too large","code":3010}],"success":false,"result":{},"messages":[]}
We are wondered to know what are the limit request to this API endpoint?
Thanks in advanced. Best regards.