Jan 11, 02:10 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jan 10, 23:50 UTC
Identified - Requests to Workers AI performed via api.cloudflare.com using OpenAI compatibility may have incorrect HTTP status code returned, being reported as 500 instead of other status codes e.g. 400, 401, 429, etc.
The cause of this issue has been identified and we are working to apply a fix.
Jan 10, 22:20 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue where requests to Workers AI performed via api.cloudflare.com may have incorrect HTTP status codes returned. Response status may be reported as 500 instead of other status codes e.g. 400, 401, 429, etc. in some cases.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/incidents/61471l0pmx7x