Worker not handling any requests

I’ve setup a worker for a domain following this guide:

  • The domain has the Cloudflare nameservers and it has “Status: Active”
  • Enabled workers for this domain and copied this javascript file source into the window: GitHub - coaxke/CloudFlareWorkersMaintenance: Cloudflare workers maintenance example (when we test it in the editor it works the way we would like it to work)
  • We’ve added ceveral urls for it to work on [asterisk].domain com & [asterisk].domain[dot]com/[asterisk] & domain[dot]com and so on, just to be sure.
  • We haven’t whitelisted our ip adres and using a proxy or vpn gives the same result
  • In the dashboard the worker shows to have handled 0 Total requests.

What did I miss/overlook?

:wave: @hosting9,

Have you configured Cloudflare to proxy traffic for the hosts you are testing against?


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My main question is: does the Worker actually work, so it’s just a problem of reporting (in this case I think you are looking at the subrequests analytics in the workers page, which in you case is correctly 0), or not and then @OliverGrant’s question is correct.

Thank you for your feedback, that was it. I forgot to proxy the traffic ;).

It’s working now :smile:!