Wordpress website disappeared

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

Internal server error

What is the issue you’re encountering

Hi I created a website Cloudflare in October 14 2024 and it disappeared!!! Please help I worked really hard on it. Domain Krypton-85

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I changed the plan from free to pro plan hoping to get the website back but there its giving an error.

I’m supposing you’re referring to the domain Krypton-85.com which was registered with Cloudflare on the 14th of October, 2024.

But note that you only registered the domain/address Krypton-85.com with Cloudflare: you did not create a website with Cloudflare… because it’s simply impossible to create a WordPress site on Cloudflare.

More than likely, you created your WordPress site with a WordPress hosting provider and pointed your Cloudflare domain to it.

Where exactly are you seeing this error?

Both krypton-85.com and www.krypton-85.com have no IP address and cannot give this “Internal server error”.

So what’s the exact page address that’s giving you this error? Can you share a full page screenshot with us?

While the PRO plan offers many additional benefits, there are millions of sites using Cloudflare’s free plan without any issues. Your problem is not your Cloudflare plan. Rather, the domain doesn’t seem to be connected to the 3rd-party service provider you’re using to host your WordPress site.

Please go to your Cloudflare DNS page and share a screenshot of what you see there with us so we can better assist you.

Standing by for your feedback.

This is error im getting