Wordpress.com DNS

I would like to use my domain with a WordPress. com site. In order to do this, I need to point my domain’s name servers to the following:

ns3.wordpress. com

I tried to do it like this but isn’t working.

Anyone can help me?

You need to set the Name Servers at your .com.br registrar. That way they can provide the first lookup for your domain, rather than Cloudflare.

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My registrar is working fine. The problem is the wordpress .com

I don’t know what to add for A records nor CNAME. I just moved from Duda . co to Wordpress . com and I don’t know how to configure it (there is no good tutorial available).

Have you tried https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168886-How-do-I-add-a-WordPress-com-Custom-Domain-Mapping-site-to-Cloudflare- ?

As already stated by @sdayman, in order to use Cloudflare, you need to change nameservers at the registar.

Do you remember who do you pay for domain renewal and whom did you paid for registration?

In their interface - if they have it - you have to change NS 1 and NS 2 to Cloudflare one’s given when you have added the domain to your Cloudflare account.

Therefore, you can proceed with the tutorial from the link above.

Yes. I’ve added.

But the dashboard is telling me to add another record (see screenshot below)

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Sorry, those are the instructions for correctly setting your name servers.

The only other option is to get WordPressCOM support to tell you the actual IP address(es) of your server and then update your “A” records here.


Or WordPress.com simply does not provide IP addresses like GitHub Pages has?
Instead, all their “clients” should setup Cloudflare to point to the CNAME recod? If so, maybe, but I do not know, haven’t used that neither WordPress.com platform so cannot tell more about it.

Or WordPress.com simply does not provide IP addresses like GitHub Pages has?
Instead, all their “clients” should setup Cloudflare to point to the CNAME record? If so, maybe, but I do not know, haven’t used that neither WordPress.com platform so cannot tell more about it.

They don’t provide IP Addresses. They just tell me to add NS1, NS2, and NS3… so weird!

Do you have custom domain registered and added to WordPress.com platform, or are you using a sub-domain of WordPress.com platform?

Custom domain and added wordpress.com as platform.

I think it is not possible to use Cloudflare service over WordPress.com because the domain needs to be pointed to WordPress.com Nameservers.

In order for your domain to work with WordPress.com, its name servers must be pointed to us.

See here:

But, as already stated, Domain Mapping - link from above reply - should help you with already stated answers by @sdayman.

So, you would need to point the domain to Cloudflare’s nameservers. And add CNAME record, stated here:

If domain is bought on “third” reigstar, and not being transfered to WordPress.com platform, meaning it not mapped and you do not pay WordPress.com for it, rather using the domain as pointed to WordPress.com nameservers … maybe you can still do it, point to Cloudflare nameservers and then … I am sorry, but I have not tried it yet.

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Also, maybe the WordPress.com platform, the interface does not allow you to change nameservers to Cloudflare, because … you “moved from duda co to wordpress.com”. Meaning, you have transfered your domain to WordPress.com platform?

I would like to use my domain with a WordPress. com site

Also, what do you mean by that? You are already using your domain with WordPress.com.
WordPress.com platform already gives you SSL, HTTP/2, etc.

I am sorry, but have to ask why do believe you need Cloudflare? Why you want and why do you need Cloudflare services among already having that?
What do you want to achieve with it?

There is FAQ on https://wordpress.com/support/domains/map-existing-domain/ and https://wordpress.com/support/move-domain/change-name-servers/#changing-name-servers-to-point-away-from-wordpress-com saying:

Can I use A records to map my domain, instead of name servers?

We strongly recommend using name servers to point your domain to us, but there are some instances where using A records may be the best or only option based on your existing registrar. Please contact our support to obtain the current A records.

Due to that answer, and already answered by @sdayman, you should, if already did not, contact WordPress.com support to provide you more details - hopefully including the needed IP addresses to which you can point your A records in Cloudflare DNS dashboard to make it work.

I can try today to do it with one of my domains, and write back the steps, but again, two possible situations:
a) domain registered to some registar and NS records pointed to WordPress.com platform (where you can still change nameservers to Cloudflare and do the steps from already posted links - CNAME record)
b) domain transfered to WordPress.com platform and pointed and managed from and by WordPress.com platrofm dashboard/interface (maybe you need to transfer it out again, if you cannot change nameservers “away” to Cloudflare one’s)

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