Wordpress asked me to change name servers on cloudfare to ns1.wordpress.com

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Wordpress Asked me to change my name servers to point to them by adding ns1.wordpress.com

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I looked into dns records but I dont see where to do that or add that?

What feature, service or problem is this related to?


Screenshot of the error

The nameservers need to be changed at your domain registrar, that will mean you are no longer using Cloudflare for your domain.

Alternatively you can add the A/AAAA/CNAME records for Wordpress to your Cloudflare DNS…

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I see thanks but do I need to remove anything on the dns settings page or only add? because ionos my previous registrar has some info on the dns settings as well

Do i need to delete any of the existing Cname or a records ?

I added 2 a records but when i try to add

c name www digitalin.com
it gives me error

AA, or CNAME record with that host already exists. For more details, refer to https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/manage-dns-records/troubleshooting/records-with-same-name/. (Code: 81053)

Your existing A and AAAA records point to Ionos. If you are no longer hosting there and using Wordpress instead, then those will be replaced by Wordpress IP addresses.

You can’t have a CNAME for www if there are A/AAAA records for the same. Either use the IP addresses, or remove the A/AAAA records before adding the CNAME.

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