Wildcard CloudFlare Tunnel

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Hi all. I’m relative new to Cloudflare Tunnel. I have a powerful server at my home that i wanna use as a production ready server (no public IP, behind NAT), and I wanna make my services available to the internet via a cloudlfare tunnel. I’ve successfully configured and used cloudflare tunnel, however, I have to define different subdomain for different services running in my home server (backend.my_domain.com → localhost:8000, analysis.my_domain.com → localhost:9000 for example). My question is that is there any way I can use wildcard subdomain for my_domain.com on cloudflare and forward all these requests to my localhost:443, where I have an Nginx containner running on. The reason why I wanna achieve this is because I already have a nginx.conf for many of my subdomain with services running on different containers. Any help will be much appreiciated.

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I haven’t tried this approach yet, however, I’ve tried to enter an apex * wildcard into the tunnel at Zero Trust dashboard and was presented with a warning message as follows from below:

Below post might help a bit:

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Thanks. I’ve resolved this problems. However, I have another rising problem when I use full encryption mode. I have cloudflared forward traffics from clients (web browsers) to my cloudflared container, which is connected to a nginx container on the same network. I have one backend and one frontend container also being connected to nginx. I’ve set cloudflared to route traffics to https://nginx, where nginx is the name of the nginx docker container (also the nginx address in these container environment). I’ve disable tls verification and assigned a self-signed ssl for the backend and frontend service connected to nginx but I keep getting “ERR Request failed error=“Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake” connIndex=1 dest=https://backend.my_domain_name.com/ event=0 ip= type=http”. Do you have any potential solution for this ?

Hey how did you solve this I would live to know as I am trying to get a tunnel to route *.mydomain.com and mydomain.com to my traeifik container. Thanks

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