Why the page view increases on cloudflare. Seems its not a valid data

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Page views increasing every 30 minutes.

Screenshot of the error


Thank you for reaching out to us. Upon further checking this, when accessing Analytics → Traffic → Page views, Page Views are measured by checking the count when the response code is 200 and the content type is HTML. If you believe that some of this traffic is not expected or it’s not legitimate, you should check your WAF > Events information and deploy some rules to assure that only legitimate traffic reaches you.

For more information, you can check the following: Cloudflare Web Application Firewall

We also have some learning paths related to WAF so you can start deploying some rules to ensure the security of your website: Web Application Firewall | Cloudflare Learning Paths

I hope this helps.
