Why isn't my SSL lock showing in the browser?

Thanks, your last sentence suggests this isn’t guaranteed to work though, am I right in thinking?

It’s possible you’ll still have some Mixed Content that’s hardcoded into your site that you’ll need to track down. But the steps I outlined are where you need to start to get a fully secured site.

Ok thanks. I take it this will be the case regardless of what type of SSL certificate I install? Mixed content is a new subject for me but I have ran a scan and am beginning to understand the errors on my site.

Sorry but I’m a bit lost with how to purchase a one off install for the Origin and CA certificates. The links you provided seem to show how to generate one (https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000479507). Could you explain how I purchase and pay with the one off fee? Thanks.

Yes, any SSL certificate will highlight the mixed content warning. Your best bet is to use Full SSL, and Strict mode is the very best. Hostgator has a process here (Clicking on the Portal - Install Third-Party SSL link opens up a helpful window):

www.learningall.com its my site and i am still not receiving https active. i apply before two days ago even i open ticket.

its working fine kindly tell me how to do this i cannot do its my site www.learningall.com

The issue you’re seeing is because of mixed content on your site. This isn’t a Cloudflare specific issue (it would happen if you had SSL on the site and weren’t using us at all.


See also: mixed content error SSL - Google Search

hello,sir…I have also same problem…Please anyone solve my problem…Or give me suggestion…

My site link is https://megabdwap.tk

You’ve got mixed content errors as well. Please have a look at the same support article.


yeah I know that…But problem is the mixed content is “Ad Image”…

So I try to hide but not worked…but if I disable the ad then my site will be blocked by administrator…

So any kind of suggestion u have like css or javascript or anything?

Same thing happening here. https://johan-fourie.com

No errors found on www.whynopadlock.com
but warning:
…You currently have TLSv1 enabled.
This version of TLS is being phased out. This warning won’t break your padlock, however if you run an eCommerce site, PCI requirements state that TLSv1 must be disabled by June 30, 2018.

Advice appreciated!

I’m getting an SSL lock for johan-fourie. And TLS 1.2. As for TLSv1, go to the SSL/TLS app at Cloudflare and turn on “Require Modern TLS.” I also enable TLS 1.3 farther down.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: HTTPS Works on some computers but not others?

Thank you! For some reason when I checked again today, it showed up as Secure.

Thanks for reaching out!

the :lock: is showing for me. Are you still having issues on your end?

Come to my aids please! I was introduced to this service last week, so, i changed my DNS to the selected Cloudflare given to me yesterday(more than 24hours). Eversince then, my blog has not been working well. It went offline and comes up anytime its like(which has been affecting my traffic and other things)…

Here is what i get when it goes offline

" This site can’t provide a secure connection
talkgeria.com uses an unsupported protocol.

The dashboard keep on showing (Log In ‹ Talkgeria.com — WordPress)

" This site can’t provide a secure connection
talkgeria.com uses an unsupported protocol.

What is the Crypto SSL setting you’re using at Cloudflare? It should be Flexible, or Full/Full Strict.

And then what’s the Status, also on the SSL/TLS settings page?

I was using Full Strict before But, after reading some related issue some people posted I changed it to Flexible… My Status is saying Active… It’s now 15hours ago i changed it… Still experiencing the issue…Help please!

It sounds like you’ve done everything right. Your Cloudflare SSL certificate might be broken. Support would have better insight to what’s really going on. You can open a ticket.

You might be able to fix this by going to the bottom of your Crypto page and click on “Disable Universal SSL.”
This will delete your SSL certificate. Wait a few minutes, then click on that button again to Enable Universal SSL. That should re-issue your certificate.

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