Hi, I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the functionality of the tunnels. I have a nodejs server running on port 3000, on IP address: The nodejs Server is without encryption/https.
I want to reach the nodejs server with the subdomain nodejs and my domain miracuru.ch. I set up therefore a tunnel for this. But I want to remain flexible with the ports. I have therefore not specified port 3000 in the tunnel The definition of the tunnel is shown in my screenshot below. So I thought, I can reach now my nodejs server with this URL: http://nodejs.miracuru.ch:3000 but I just getting a connection timeout.
However, if I specify the the port 3000 in my tunnel, then my nodejs server can be reached under the URL https://nodejs.miracuru.ch. Unfortunately, can’t post a second image yet, as I’m to new in this forum.
I don’t understand, why the second method works but not the first one.
And maybe there is a solution, to be able to omit the port, so that I can run multiple servers on different ports on this IP address without specifying a separate tunnel for each port?
Best regards