What is the name of the domain?
What is the issue you’re encountering
I have a domain ending in .cc, registered with Cloudflare. Yesterday, I resolved a DNS record for a domain like sfsfm2du3gfsdlfds4gf.example.com, a long, randomly inputted domain name. However, today I found access records from both domestic and international IPs. Why is this happening? I have a NAS at home, accessed via Cloudflare’s Zero Trust Tunnels with email verification added. I have around a dozen or twenty subdomains. Previously, I noticed that all my tunnel domains had access records from international IPs. I initially thought it was due to brute-force enumeration attacks until yesterday, when I randomly resolved a domain to the server and still found access records in the Cloudflare firewall from others, which puzzled me. All my DNS records are proxied by Cloudflare.
What is the current SSL/TLS setting?