Where is the create support ticket is it gone even for paid services

Any one know how to submit support ticket because i see Cloudflare remove it to avoid helping paid domains plans so should i get the support from my little kid ?
Where i can contact the support , is the company not offering support any more and let users help each other by forums ?


You should follow the guidance here based on your plan level.


Fake article since im using pro plan domain within my request and this is the result Screenshot by Lightshot

This is probably due to the domain and/or issue type suggested.

When selecting technical support there is no ticket details shows and when i pick account option the ticket options shows this happened because the company is already disabled any technical support related issues to be reported Screenshot by Lightshot , is there any one else have the same issue or its just me ?

That is what I would expect to show on after accounts, do you have a Pro plan on one or more domains?

yes i got pro plan for the domain which is i request the help for

Have you just recently upgraded your plan or has it been Pro for a while?

for over a year

Thank you, I have escalated this issue to see why you cannot open a ticket.

I’m the meantime, please email [email protected] from your account email address. If you receive an autoresponse that does not solve your issue then please reply and indicate that you need more help. If the ticket is closed again, please post the ticket number here.

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i have sent email but i didnt get auto reply or auto created ticket for my account Screenshot by Lightshot , what the next step i have to do ?

That is very strange, I’ll note this on the escalation.

Can you briefly describe what your query is in relation to? If the community can’t assist for now then I’ll see if an engineer can open a ticket on your behalf as you can’t.

Suddenly i got my site some how files disabled for abuse traffic and i see there is no massive usage of traffic my friends use more traffic with no pro plan any way i got blocked even without any emails i was see some of local video files redirect to Cloudflare mp4 link and my site is blocked , now i need to left the blocking of my site since i disabled the local files and im going to use bunnycdn for those files as external links but i will not accept to pay monthly $25 for this website and its blocked or limited for views at least i have to get some warning to fix the issues instead of suspending my website .

This stats of last 30 days

Ah, if that’s the case then Support will be unable to help you. You will have received an email from Trust & Safety about this and should reply and follow up with them.

Correct, but I’m not sure we would hide ways to contact support, so I created a ticket for you, and we will investigate this.
Please confirm you have received the email from Cloudflare Support.


yes i got the email and replied with my domain in ticket , Thanks Jochen

Hello jochen, how much time i should wait for the support reply since i see the Priority is normal and this may take days to get assigned support or reply and this issue will going to be fixed in a week or more

@PrimeCo I just wanted to update you re: the ticket form - we just found & fixed a couple of issues impacting some Pro customers intermittently - that should be resolved now.

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