What's happening! - can not add new domain

I have tried my new domains, I have tried exisiting not registered with cloudflare, I have tried previously registered with cloudflare but decommissioned - all the same error.

Please enter a valid domain

Please address this I need to get the platforms stood up

What’s one of the domains you tried?


all valid all resolve

I am able to add both without error. Perhaps clear cache, logout & log back in.

hmmmm I did that, I tried on Firefox, Chrome and Safari as well same error.

I just cleared the browser caches, same error again.

also forced to logout and login after the clear. When I try and add a existing domain it comes back saying already protected, so the issues are downstream

changed to another router.

this is the new message

This zone is temporarily banned and cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time, please contact Cloudflare Support.

reverted to the original router after trying three more. Now this new error is showing up on that connection.

This zone is temporarily banned and cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time, please contact Cloudflare Support.

If you can, grab screen shots of the errors that’s would help a bit, I’ve not seen the already protected one, that sounds like it would indicate the zone is active, but they do not show as such.

WRT temporary ban, that automatically resets after a couple of hours, it’s the result of too many attempts to add the domain. It does sounds like the different router will work once the temp ban clears.

thanks…let me try with an entirely different domain and revert, much appreciate the advice

Tried same error

Let’s loop in Support, they have a handful of similar tickets, none informative, all show a temporary glitch and the users were able to add them. But, good to get in queue with Support in case this does not resolve itself. If you have other active domains, you can file the ticket under one of those and let the engineer know the domains you’ve tried and are having issues with. If you receive an automatic reply, please reply back and indicate you’re still having the issue.

To contact Cloudflare Customer Support, login & go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/?account=support and select get more help. If you’re unable to create the ticket simply email If you are a Cloudflare account holder, please submit a new support request from the email address you used to register your Cloudflare account. You should open a ticket directly through the Cloudflare dashboard following these steps: 1. Log in to your Cloudflare account and click on “Support” in the top right corner, from the drop down select Help Center. 2. Click on your name in the top right corner, and in the drop down menu select “My activities” where you will see your existing requests. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the “My Requests” page and click “Submit a request”.. Please share your ticket number here as I’d like to keep an eye on it.

thank you sir appreciate it, will revert

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Got it, thank you. I suspect the engineer will merge the tickets on ed they get to them, will add myself to them to track progress.

me too, its a problem of cloudflare ?

Best to contact Cloudflare Customer Support and let them know, login & go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/?account=support and select get more help. Please give Support the complete details and link to your Community post.

I am having the same problem when trying to add a different domain. Of course, one can’t file a ticket if it’s not in regards to a domain already on Cloudflare.

I am experiencing the bug where valid domains return the “Please enter a valid domain” error message. Am I alone?