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A post was split to a new topic: Trouble getting email to work

Hello everyone!

I’m an independent web developer and I use Cloudflare on all my sites.

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Hello, I just would like to know how to answer a question (ie, post a new topic).

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I’m unable to post my question in the forum.

Says I don’t have permission.

So I guess I’ supposed to leave a bunch of comments to increase my rank first? Meanwhile my site needs help.

Not exactly. You just need to view a few threads. Your permissions have been upgraded and you should be able to create your own topic now.

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Hello! I need help! I’m lost:((

Please open a ticket with details and someone can weigh in with suggestions.

hi there!
glad i found this place, i am a novice Cloudflare user and trying to understands the ins and outs of it since i make websites that use the advantages of Cloudflare
from the netherlands,


I just did that :frowning: Now if I’d actually read ALL the instructions/links that I was given when I first started I would have known better. As usual I’m in too much of a rush.

Hi there! I’m a frontend developer from Warsaw. It’s nice to be here :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: My SmartSlider has vanished

Hi Zach I just joined Cloudflare and I owe environmentgo.com, schoolgistnow dot com dot ng and bookerpage dot com dot ng and I would like to get them all running on cloud fare soon.
I have already set up environmentgo dot com to run on Cloudflare but schoolgistnow dot com dot ng and bookerpage dot com dotng are still not in yet. I am hoping to bring in schoolgistnow dot com dot ng and bookerpage dot com dot ng if I am satisfied with how Cloudflare works for environmentgo.com.

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Hello everyone. I am just beginning my journey learning about Cloudflare and being a part of this community.


Hi everyone. I need to create topic to ask one important question regarding IP addresses.

i’m new, i have a question about Failover configuration (Monitor , Pool) …
I Have One server in Italy and the second one in Germany, i have set-up the Pool but both seem offline …
( but are online )


Hello there,

I’m Stephane, i’m Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare and based in London. I’m helping our Enterprise customers to get the most of our products and consult with them for their integrations. If you’re not sure if Cloudflare can be a good solution for your business case and wondering what would be the performance gain with us on top of your website, I’m the one!

Looking forward to hearing your Cloudflare’s stories and pains to see where I can help :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Unable to login with SSL active


I am Vlad.

I started to use Cloudflare three days ago. And I am very curious to see the diference between Max CDN and Cloudflare



I’m Patrick, I started using Cloudflare months ago, with my Clickfunnels account. Thus far, the experience is great, but I’m definitely in the bottom percentile as it comes to technical stuff that happens behind the scenes.

I’m curious to see whether I can add more CNAME and TXT records to my account so I can authenticate my domain for Mailchimp as well.

Thanks for welcoming a newbie like me here.


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Hi everyone. I’m an SEO consultant and fan of Cloudflare. I use it for all of my sites and recommend it to everyone.