Hi guys i am getting the following error while trying to create an origin certificate:
Failed to validate requested hostname *.scorpionilluminati.user.archhosting.net: This zone is either not part of your account, or you do not have access to it. Please contact support if using a multi-user organization. (Code: 1010)
Both those domains are the same exact site and scorpionilluminati.user.archhosting.net is the primary web host provided domain, while scorpionilluminati.tk, the one on the Cloudflare account is an addon domain on the hosting providers account.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Do you really need any reference to scorpionilluminati.user.archhosting.net ? That doesn’t sound like the type of URL you would publicly use. Since you already have the .tk domain, why not just use that?
If i want to use SSL on that domain then yes I unfortunately have to include it. Otherwise if i want to use SSL in an emergency when my domain temporarily stops working i can’t.