Website traffic not routing through Cloudflare?

Hi all -

I have two sites connected to Cloudflare. When I look at my Cloudflare dashboard, they both have a green checkmark next to them and say “active”. But when I look at my analytics, I see no traffic for either site. Even if I go back 30 days, it shows nothing.

Seems like my traffic isn’t routing through Cloudflare even though it appears that my sites are connected. Anyone know what the issue might be?

Thanks in advance!


This is probably because your A/AAAA/CNAME records are grey clouded (or no clouded), meaning CF isn’t proxying the traffic, something like this:

If you click the grey cloud it’ll turn to orange and traffic will start going through CF.

If that’s not the issue, report back.


Thanks, that helped! Looked at my DNS records and it turns out that Cloudflare still thinks I’m on SiteGround. (swithced a few months back).

If there is a message at the top of your DNS page that says something like Your DNS zone file is hosted by _________, a Cloudflare partner. Manage your DNS records at their website, you need to manage the records with the partner.

To start, did you add the verification record that is mentioned on the DNS app of the Cloudflare Dashboard?

Yes that’s what it says. But I’m not with SiteGround anymore. I’m with FastComet now. So just need to figure out how to switch over.

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