Website Speed is Not Improving

I’m facing challenges improving the speed of our website, and I’m seeking insights from this knowledgeable group. Despite implementing various optimizations like image compression, browser caching, and minimizing JavaScript, the website’s performance remains subpar.

Our load times are crucial for user experience, especially with a graphics-heavy platform like ours. Could it be server-related? We’re using Cloudflare, but I’m wondering if there are additional steps we should take to leverage its full potential.

If anyone has encountered similar issues or has expertise in this area, your advice would be greatly appreciated. Let’s optimize Truck Simulator Ultimate Play together!

Thank you.

Your website’s homepage is pretty fast for me. And I’m seeing excellent Google PSI results (100%), with mere milliseconds for all 4 timed metrics: Google PageSpeed Insights

What exactly are you seeing to say your site is slow? Can you provide any actual metrics?

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