Website redirect loop

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

When i try to connect to my website, the browser loads constantly, giving no indication of an error.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have run my domain through a checker that states that my domain is connecting in a loop.

Here is my setup.

Cloudflare registered domain, A DNS record which directs my domain to my public IP.

Nginx proxy manager running on my local server, which redirects the traffic to port which has a docker container running a wordpress site.

Instead of redirecting properly, it goes → my public ip → instead of (my domain) → my public ip → (some form of my server’s local ip port 30040).

I’ve checked my settings multiple times, and have two other domains that use the same setup and they work perfectly. I’m not sure what is different about this one, other than a possibility that wordpress is somehow impacting the process.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

type in my domain, press enter.

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It isnt letting me edit it, but i didnt make it clear that after going to, it goes back to cloudflare, initiating a loop which seems to never end.

And I have tried turning my settings to Full, and Full (strict) a typical solution noted on the forums and online.

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