Website Pages Not Getting Indexed on Google After Cloudflare Setup

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

No explicit error message. The issue is that certain website pages are not appearing in Google’s search index despite being accessible and properly configured.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Some pages on my website ( are not being indexed by Google after integrating Cloudflare. Pages are indexed on other search engines like Bing and Yahoo. Google Search Console doesn’t report any specific crawl errors. I suspect this might be related to the way Cloudflare serves content to Googlebot, such as caching or other DNS configurations affecting crawl behavior.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Verified that robots.txt is not blocking Googlebot from accessing any pages.
Submitted a proper sitemap to Google Search Console with all key pages.
Ensured that meta tags on affected pages include .
Disabled any unnecessary Cloudflare page rules temporarily.
Tested affected URLs using the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console, which shows no crawl restrictions.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Visit Google Search Console.
Inspect the affected URLs to verify their index status.
Attempt to manually request indexing for the URLs.
Check Google’s search results after several days to confirm that the pages are still not indexed.

You can search for false positives in your security events.

Check your Cloudflare Firewall Events log for any rules that might be blocking Googlebot.

You can change or edit the rule if its blocking it to allow Googlebot.

If necessary, adjust your Cloudflare Firewall rules to specifically allow Googlebot by adding an allow rule for Googlebot’s IP range.

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