Website not showing on mobile

Hey, my website is not showing up on mobile, but it do perfectly on desktop, can anyone help me with setup?
I was checking other topics but nothing helped

What is the site? To troubleshoot if it’s related to Cloudflare, you can temporarily pause Cloudflare and see if the problem persists:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Select the website you’re having issues with.
  3. Click the ‘Overview’ tab.
  4. Scroll down and click ‘Pause Cloudflare on Site’ on the right side.

If the site is still not showing up on mobile after this, it’s likely an issue with your site’s design or settings. In that case, you may need to reach out to your site’s developer or hosting service. Remember to resume Cloudflare after testing.

I fixed it but thx

śr., 27 wrz 2023, 22:32 użytkownik cloonan via Cloudflare Community <[email protected]> napisał:

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