Website down with 500 error

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the issue you’re encountering

The website is down, blank screen on phone and 500 error on desktop

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Contacted host provider and they said to cloudflate need to investigate providing these dets: Type: A
Host: Leave it blank or use @
Value/ Result:

Provide these details to Cloudflare and they will up date the dns.

You will need to make any changes yourself. Follow this guide to add or edit DNS records…

Hi there,

I have checked the DNS names and they are correct. The website was working and stopped working recently but I can’t say one but I didn’t change anything. I am getting the below error and the host company thought it might have to do with the nameserver.

Can you advise,

The 500 error is coming from the origin server. The best thing to do is to pause Cloudflare, or set the DNS record to “DNS only” instead of “Proxied” so the hosting company can see you have set the correct DNS records and so requests bypass Cloudflare.

You can then get the host to fix the problem. Once it is working again, you can re-enable Cloudflare.

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Thanks I’ll get back to them

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