Hi! We have received a call from a client today to say their website is down: redbearsports.co.uk
This website has been on our Cloudflare account for a number of months now with no issue. He has been told the DNS records are not correct. Upon checking our account, they are exactly what they should be. Upon checking the Whois records they are different and do not match our records.
I have also checked that the domain name hasn’t expired but it is up for renewal in 2019.
Have their IP addresses on the host web server changed?
You said there’s a WHOIS mismatch. You mean for the name servers? WHOIS is showing jamie and rocky. That’s not what’s assigned to that domain at Cloudflare?
Thanks for your response We have spoken to EKM (they are the ecommerce and hosting provider), they say the www and non-www records should be pointing to . Having checked our Cloudflare account, this is correct and has been so for many months.
However if we check the whois records, the www and non-www records are pointing to This is incorrect, where is this IP address coming from?
The IP is Cloudflare’s. It’s normal behavior for any website protected by Cloudflare and it should not cause any issue in standard operations.
EDIT: if you really need those records to point directly to the origin (thus losing all security, performance and caching benefits of Cloudflare for those subdomains) you need to change them to in the dashboard.
(Same as what @matteo said) When you enable Cloudflare and the DNS records are , Cloudflare acts as the IP address shown in the DNS and will proxy all traffic to your origin server. This shouldn’t affect whether or not your website is up.
If I change my hosts file to bypass Cloudflare to that IP you gave, it does the same thing as before I did the bypass, redirects to ekmholdingdomain.com.