We weren't able to change your plan at the moment, please try again later

I have encountered an error while upgrading from the free to pro plan.
Ticket Id: #3173976

We weren’t able to change your plan at the moment, please try again later.
Refer to https://cfl.re/3VUQyyL for assistance. The zone cannot be upgraded at this time. (Code: 1258)

I have submitted a ticket four days ago, but haven’t received any reply yet.


Thank you for asking.

There seems to be an recent incident about this:

Thank you for sharing your ticket number here with us.
In the meantime I’ve escalated your ticket.
Kindly and patiently wait for a reply.


I am waiting your reply from 5 days
Please help ma asap


Our Clouflare Support Team has followed up in the Support ticket

Thank you

#3182237 / #3183376

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Hi @user4308

Our billing team will reply in the ticket.

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Hi @mohammed5 , our Billing team has fixed the issue and updated the ticket. Please let us know if you need anything further by replying to the ticket, and it will be automatically reopened.

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