We have had another cludeflare account in the past which we couldnt restore. After updating the nameservers to the new once, i can still see the old nameservers on the DNS check, and so, all the other records. Any solution?
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
Probably, I’m not familiar with the others. How can i disable them? I pointed only to the current Cloudflare nameservers, but it seems that the others are still connected.
Those are the ones you need to set at your registrar.
At the moment, the only pair of nameservers for your domain are dale and daphne. All Cloudflare nameservers are resolving for your domain an SOA of dale which means these are the only active pair at the moment. https://cf.sjr.org.uk/tools/check?99903c6f4ad743398868124f9068c0db#dns
If you have another pair of nameservers on the DNS page, then likely you haven’t selected a plan as they should be resolving differently. Go to the overview page for the domain to check.