We are being charged more on Argo then usage. This is happening from last 3 or more billing cycles. I am attaching here SS of our June usage and it is only showing to be 2.26TB however we were charged for more then 6TB data. Since I can only access one last month of data I am attaching data but I am sure in prior months same issue will be there. I have opened 2 cases with CF support but I am not getting any responses there. Request to resolve this ASAP before this month ends to get clean billing
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have created multiple tickets to CF support but have not got response yet
Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support
Thanks so much for reaching out. I’ve been traveling across Asia on a new flight every day, apologies for the delay!
As I understand the issue, your usage billing graph for Argo Smart Routing is showing one value of traffic to be charged, but when comparing to zone analytics, that source is showing a lower value. Is this the correct understanding?
@bbatraski Yes the usage graph on CF dashboard shows a very low value compared to what we are being charged on our invoice. We believe the the value shown on CF dashboard is more accurate.
Got it. I can definitely explain what is going on.
Argo smart routing is billed on both upload and download bytes. The query backing the billing graph properly displays this information as the source of truth. Just recently, I have validated this with both our engineering team and our billing engineering team.
The zine analytics graph only displays download bytes, therefore not showing a complete picture for your Argo spend. I am actively having conversations on how we can update the data source in zone analytics to also show upload bytes therefore both sources of analytics shows the same information and clears this up. But I can fully validate that zone analytics is showing a lower number because it is not showing the upload bytes which is apart of argo smart routing as it accelerates traffic for both types of traffic.
I am not sure it is completely true. For instance, I just checked in our own analytics and last 15 days of data is shown to be, upload+download, 1.29TB. In best case scenario if I double it for month it should not be crossing 3TB. And that is how we were charged for initial month which was in march and april but since then we are constantly seeing increase in billing.
Would it be possible for us to setup a call regarding this?