Want to Host audio Files in Pakistan for Users

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We have around 300 to 400 audio files each has 10MB size. We want to host these on CF. Expected number of concurrent user are 25000 (24/7). What plan should we have and how we can setup it. Please need your support. Thank you.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

Other / I don’t know

Is it Radio/listening (some portal) or Streaming service (such as Anycast)? :thinking:

I’d consider using Cloudflare R2 for such case and serve non-html content (audio files) with Cloudflare R2, therefrom you take advantage of the caching and other Cloudflare features with your custom domain(s) such as serving files from e.g. audio.mydomain.com.

Currently, our MP3 files are hosted on NGINX and accessible via public URLs. We are exploring the possibility of fully migrating all content to Cloudflare and discontinuing the NGINX server.

Could you please provide guidance on the necessary steps for this migration? Any best practices or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to your response.

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