What is the name of the domain?
What is the error number?
What is the error message?
What is the issue you’re encountering
Custom rule created, no challenge ever appears.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Settings as “Country / is not in / United Kingdom”, Action = JS Challenge.
Confirmed not working by hosting chat support located in Canada.
“Security > Events” seem to have stopped displaying events outside of UK, but “Activity” for rule still showing 0.
Am confident that there has been traffic from outside UK as we’ve been getting high visit numbers from bots in Germany, US, etc. though can no longer see these.
Also confirmed not working by changing VPN location (though I am less confident on how this works).
Requested support from hosting provider, they reviewed “Security > WAF > Custom rules” Cloudflare screenshots and confirmed it all looks correct.
Read the documentation about “Custom Content Security Policy not supported”, double checked headers and confirmed that no CSP headers are present for the site.
Second/test site setup in same way, Cloudflare JS Challenge works when changing location via VPN.
Final step > Pay for Pro > post this question.
Was the site working with SSL prior to adding it to Cloudflare?
What is the current SSL/TLS setting?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Not sure