Please see my results.
Gmetrix waterfall:
Massive number of items and requests not combined into one and not cached. What can i do? In the morning this were good (hit) and page opening were 1.4s instead of 5.5s…
YSlow shows expired headers for gravatars - im not using them as far as i know.
Cookie free domains not working for images mostly.
Pagespeed - the same with gravatars.
Earlier i had maybe 15-20 requests, page were loading for 1.5s max and its size were much smaller.
Let’s see google insights:
Score on phones is only 51. On desktop over 90 and it is ok.
Google tells me to optimize images.
Put off loading images off the screen (2,5sec)
Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats (but when Cloudflare cache were working these sugestions were not shown)
Other performance issues:
Style & Layout 3 790 ms
Script Evaluation 1 287 ms
(on desktop these numbers are ok)
JavaScript Bootup Time Is Too High (2,5s)
But when minify and combine are working normally these warnings are not shown. On desktop is ok
Critical Request Chains are too long:
/polityczna-poprawnosc-czyli-albo-klamiesz-razem-z-innymi-albo-… (
…webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 44,64 KB
…fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 29,73 KB
…fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-italic.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 33,27 KB
…scripts/f6aeb2c….css ( - 550 ms, 65,91 KB
…scripts/f18a37f…-minify.js ( - 1 590 ms, 144,79 KB
…scripts/5cabb5b….css ( - 1 460 ms, 6,97 KB
…fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 31,9 KB
…webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 60,46 KB
…fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 32,34 KB
…font/ionicons.ttf?v=2.0.0 ( - 470 ms, 184,69 KB
…webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2 ( - 1 030 ms, 12,46 KB
Not cached fonts are the problem. Maybe i can replace all of these fonts with one - Lato? But how? And maybe send it locally?
Pingdom tells me:
Use cookie-free domains
F0 Add Expires headers
F23 Compress components with gzip
Requests 53 instead of 15-20.