Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds.Couldn’t remove it in any way, even after reloading since yesterday, it just keeps showing up and not getting into the site. Now please tell me what can I do
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
When you solve a Cloudflare challenge, it will set a cookie on your browser. If your browser disallows the cookie to be set, then you would get the infinite loop.
Some ideas, let us know if these are helpful to fix the Challenge Loops issue:
1/ Clear the browser cache, history, and cookies, then restart your browser and try again.
2/ Disable any browser extensions, particularly privacy or security ones, as they may interfere with the behavior of the challenge. You can do this by going to the Extensions page (chrome://extensions) in Chrome.
3/ Adjust your browser’s security settings to allow cookies, since some might block cookies, causing the looping effect.
4/ Lastly, make sure the browser is updated to the current version.
5/ Check if you are using any VPN or Proxy.
Other than these, you may consider troubleshooting your browser. You may find this community post useful: Challenge Loop - #7 by RiverYkb.