Verification TXT record

I have added CDN Cloudflare to my site via Siteground. All looks good now and i can see certificate details in my website. But when i log in to my cloudflare account, i can still see the message to add TXT record to verify ownership of the domain. should that message remain there under DNS?

Verification TXT Record

Include this TXT record in your DNS to verify ownership of the domain.

Did you add the verification record as the prompt suggests?

Yes i did. I can see the following certificate details in my site

But in cloud flare dashboard, i get message to add txt record to verify the ownership of the domain. It getting all the stats back. not sure if that message suppose to remain as it is

Ah, understood. This came up a couple of weeks ago as well. I believe the detail about the record remains in place (all my sites set up directly so I not any help at verifying for you, sorry), but I do see the record and see the site is active and ssl is in place. Are you having any issues with the site?

No issue so far. i was just being little conscious if i have done anything wrong in adding the record. Thank you for your help.

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