I am having a weird issue for all websites on Cloudflare when I am using Cloudflare proxy. The ranking will drop each time I turn on Cloudflare cache and proxy.
But within a few hours of turning it off ranking will improve.
This is not a one-time thing.
I have ran tests for this multiple times for multiple websites with the same issue and result. But once I turn off cache and DNS proxy, the ranking will get back to within hours not days.
Here are the settings when this happens:
- Cache Level = Standard
- Browser Cache TTL = Respect Existing Headers
- Page Rules
A. (asterisk)domain.com/(asterisk) (Cache Level: Everything) - I even tried removing the asterisk at the front and doing www and non www.
B. (asterisk)domain.com/wp-admin(asterisk) ( Cache: Bypass, Security Level High, Diable Apps, Disable Performance). I even tried removing the asterisk at the front and doing www and non www. - DNS Setting = Proxied
I even went pro and still all the issues persist.
Can someone who has dealt with this and solved it please help.