Urgent Request (Please) to Upgrade Soft Limit on Pages - More Info In Post/Entry

For Workers & Pages, what is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


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What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Soft Limit Reached (20) on Pages

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Verified Soft Limit has been Reached.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Hello, we are an educational/informational micro site organization deploying Static Pages to Cloudflare. We are looking move additional websites/domains to Cloudflare as their CDN, Analytics, and Caching are Excellent. Also the UI/UX on dashboard is great, we like it. Currently have 20 Pages but looking to get an additional 20 - 30 more for the time being. Currently, our sites are NOT under a DDOS but looking to deliver better speed and optimization for our viewers with Cloudflare CDN/Pages. Is there a way to get an urgent request approved for an increase Soft Limit on Pages? We have seen some posts here in this Community get traction. We have submitted the Google Forms Request for Additional Pages but have not heard back yet. Also, if there is a custom plan for Cloudflare Pages? That is something we would be interested in. Maybe something like Cloudflare Pro for our domains but only with specific features enabled. For example no need for WAF, but a need for HTTP Analytics as they’re static content pages. In short, looking for an urgent approval for additional Pages and possibly a Custom Plan for certain Features on Domains.

Please complete this form to request limit increases:


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