Urgent renewal of .co.uk domain

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

unable to renew myself

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

due to oversight, I left a domain expire and wish to keep it, it’s urgent as the domain will drop imminently - in the case of .uk domains i believe it can still be saved

I’m unable to see the domain in my account under domains/registrar, probably because the zone got deleted after the domain stopped resolving - not sure.

case # 01289664

Registrar issues requre a Registrar ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?


If anyone from the CF team is able to give my case a nudge I would really appreciate, I believe the domain is only hours from dropping :[

I suppose this is not your actual domain, as this domain is not with Cloudflare, and has an expiry date of 2025-05-06.

If it’s indeed “hours from dropping”, then it’s long past the Redemption Grace Period and there’s nothing the registrar (Cloudflare?) can do about it.

See the Nominet(.uk) domain lifecycle below. Once a domain enters the 5-day pendingDelete period, the registrar can no longer restore it.

So provided your belief is correct, then this is a lost cause and you can only hope to catch it when it drops.

registration status: renewal required - so I think it’s still possible if i take it literally

however, it literally dropped and got registered by someone, oh well.