Uploading large files through a CMS

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

The server returned an invalid JSON response.

What is the issue you’re encountering

We would like to remove Cloudflare from the Joomla Administration section of the website because it is blocking large media files from being uploaded. If there is another solution for uploading large (500+MB) files at the Pro plan level we could really use that.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I tried to unblock my own IP from Cloudflare, I tried to unblock the /administrator/ directory in Cloudflare. We also removed ModSecurity on our server.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Whenever anyone uploads a file. through Joomla larger than 100MB it fails to complete.

Screenshot of the error

Are you on a Free plan type with that particular zone? :thinking:

The upload body size limit for proxied :orange: hostname is 100MB on free and pro accounts, 200MB on business and 500MB on Enterprise. Enterprise users only can request and increase.

If you require a larger upload, group requests smaller than the upload thresholds or upload the full resource through an unproxied (grey-clouded) DNS record.

A temporary workaround is to either:

  1. Unproxy :grey: (DNS-only) your DNS records, upload what’s needed, once done, switch back to proxy :orange:.
  2. Use the “Pause Cloudflare” option from the Cloudflare dashboard, upload what’s needed, ocne done, un-pause.
  3. Use FTP upload
  4. You have a separate subdomain like ftp.example.com which you access via HTTP(S) in Web browser, for uploads, and that hostname is not proxied (:grey: DNS only).

Upload limits:

You could experience 413 error if so:

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